Why CLC?

We're the Leading Conductive Education Center in North America.

CLC is a leading provider of conductive education in North America and we are the only provider directly partnered with Semmelweis University in Budapest, Hungary. Our program is held to the highest conductive education standards because of this partnership.

Why Our Program Makes a Difference.

Conductive education contrasts markedly with traditional educational programs and therapies by combining specially trained teachers, group instruction, a secure environment, and a specialized curriculum with rhythmical intention, activities of daily living, and an emphasis on family involvement. We also offer a full school day of service — 3 to 6 hours per day, 15 to 30 hours per week, depending upon the group and the age of the student. This model produces meaningful, long-lasting results.

Supportive Environment

Our Staff Put Your Child First.

Conductive education is designed to meet your child's mental, physical, and emotional needs. Conductor teachers act on behalf of the child to provide high-quality, education based intensive motor learning to improve daily life and overcome the challenges of motor disorders.
Alicia's Mom
Read Alicia's Full Story
Video walkthrough

Explore our Facility

Join CLC for a virtual walk through of our brand new facility at 2401 Camelot Court. This location has been specifically designed for accessibility and to support the unique needs of conductive education.


Answer Your Questions

What specialized training do the conductors have? Are they therapists?

Conductors have been trained at Aquinas College in a POHI teacher program or at the International Pető Institute in Budapest, Hungary. These teachers all have elementary education and special education credentials, which are recognized in the U.S. While the conductors are not credentialed therapists, the training received at Aquinas and the Pető Institute parallels much of the education of physical, occupational, and speech therapists.

Are there parents available who can give specifics about their child?

Yes. If you would like to connect with parents whose children have attended CLC in the past, please contact Program Director Andrea Swiger, to get linked up and hear what they have to say about their experience at CLC. 616-575-0575

You can also visit our Success Stories page which provides a series of letters from parents speaking about their child and the program.

Is the program available in other states?

Yes, there are other programs in the U.S., but the Conductive Learning Center of North America has the only program directed and supervised by the International Pető Institute.

Are any doctors supporting this program?

Yes, there are doctors in the U.S., who have provided written support for conductive education. Locally, the Conductive Learning Center of North America collaborates with Mary Free Bed Hospital in providing services to children enrolled at Conductive Learning Center of North America.

What type of disability does this program best help?

Conductive education works best with about 80-90% of the child population that has cerebral palsy, spina bifida or traumatic brain injury.

Success Story
