Ages 1-6

Conducting Readiness Program

Improving independence, school readiness, and life skills through early intervention

This exciting opportunity provides new families the chance to try an entire four-week intensive session of conductive education at a highly subsidized cost.

This education-based rehabilitation program capitalizes on the impacts of early intervention and is designed to help students gain the confidence and skills needed for kindergarten readiness.

Candidates for the program must:

  • Be between the ages of 1 and 6 years old
  • Have a non-progressive motor disorder or motor delay
  • Be a child that may benefit from an intensive education service in a group setting

For more information, contact Program Director, Andrea Swiger, at 616-575-0575 ext. 102, or

Thank You to our Conducting Readiness Funders

2024 - 2025 Intensive Sessions

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Referral Partners

Interested in Helping Children with Motor Disorders Get More Out of Life?

If you work with children with motor disorders in a professional capacity, consider becoming a Referral Partner for the Conductive Learning Center of North America. Review the Referral Partner Agreement below, and if it sounds like a good fit for you, please reach out to Program Director, Andrea Swiger, at (616) 575-0575 ext. 102 or

Download the Referral Partner Agreement

Answer Your Questions

Do I have to stay with my child in the classroom?

The CLC facilitates an environment for parents to learn with their child in the Caregiver and Child program, which is for the youngest children. Overall, the decision to have parents in the classroom is made by the conductor team and includes several factors, such as the age of the child and desires of the child/family.

What can I expect my child to achieve in the program?

The program works with the whole child; that is, the child’s developmental needs are addressed from a cognitive, psychological, emotional and physical perspective. After the child is assessed by a conductor, parents, the child and the conductor decide on specific goals for the child. Each child’s route and timeline toward maximum independence depends on many factors, including the support of the family, the child’s motivation, the type and severity of the disability and the age of the child. At the end of the session extensive reports are produced detailing methods and strategies used with the child. Each activity is described and photo documented. These reports are sent home for use with all caregivers involved with the child. This helps insure continuity and continuation of conductive education (CE) principles even after the child is discharged from the program.

Why does the program use a group setting?

Conductive education uses the dynamics of group interaction. This setting provides the opportunity for children to motivate and learn from each other, while in an age appropriate setting that allows social interaction.

Do I have to continue with exercises while at home?

Parents should encourage the child to use the movements learned in class that improve the everyday functioning of the child. An example of these life skills would be for parents to give the child the opportunity to use silverware when eating, instead of a parent feeding the child.

What type of disability does this program best help?

Conductive education works best with about 80-90% of the child population that has cerebral palsy, spina bifida or traumatic brain injury.

What keeps children motivated for 3 to 6 hours a day?

The program is planned daily with age appropriate academic themes and motivation techniques of repetition, music, singing, and game-like activities in a group setting. A child’s educational environment includes daily living skills of eating, toileting, putting on shoes and socks, etc. Children respond positively to these activities.

If I don’t live near Grand Rapids, can I still participate in the program?

Yes, many of our out-of-state families stay at area hotels, offering discounted rates, or find rentals using AirBnB, while their child attends a scheduled intensive session of four to eight weeks in length. Please check our Housing Options page for more information.

Success Story
