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February 23, 2022
General Announcement

Meet Dakota!

Dakota was born in January 2006, following a normal pregnancy, but a difficult emergency delivery. Dakota did not cry - prompting concern from his mother and doctors. Testing soon afterward began the journey towards Dakota’s diagnosis of a brain bleed and unto cerebral palsy just 1 year later.


Dakota began to attend CLC in May 2008. His mother was apprehensive starting in CLC’s Parent & Child program. She wasn’t sure what to expect and was nervous because the method was so different than anything she had seen before – but her fears would soon vanish. Dakota was a wonderful addition to the conductive education classroom with his happy demeanor and motivated personality. Dakota made continuous progress every time he visited CLC and always wanted to beat his “old records.” His confidence grew and his physical abilities showed significant development in just the first four months.


As Dakota moved into kindergarten and the public school system, he would return to CLC for follow-up programs, eager and happy to be back with his friends. Throughout his time at CLC, Dakota was continually challenged to come up with different ways to accomplish skills that would change his own life – from putting toothpaste on his toothbrush to buckling-up in the car, bathing himself, and standing up and walking all on his own.


In 2021, Dakota attended CLC’s Summer camp following his freshman year in high school. He brought with him goals that would continue to help him be more independent in school and beyond to college including laundry, cooking for himself, standing up from the floor independently, and buttoning his shirts. His confidence and independence have relieved many of his mother’s previous worries and if anyone tells him he cannot accomplish something – Dakota works harder to prove them wrong!


Dakota is a determined, funny, caring, and helpful member ofthe CLC family who will never give up on his dreams. He approaches life with aneagerness to learn and achieve his lifelong goal of becoming an MLB coach.

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